Everyone knows two things about Utah. One, that it’s full of religious devotion, and two, that it has the “Greatest Snow on Earth”. Fortunately for us, snow is exactly what my family loved during the holidays. We’ve built many of our traditions around being able to play out in a white winter wonderland. 

Whether it was making hard maple candy and snowmen, or racing down hills on sleds, our family has had their fair share of snowy adventures. I remember one year when we all piled in the car to go sledding up at ‘the bowl’---an area within American Fork canyon which was well known for its’ steep hills, high speeds and ER visits.  It was named ‘the bowl’ due to the steep slopes surrounding the lower basin wherein each sled sped towards at a near uncontrolled velocity. The sharp incline created the perfect speed accelerator while also creating a giant near catastrophic deceleration as the person on the sled sped upwards on the opposing side, nearly always skimming (or colliding) the side of other sledders. 

On this particular sled day, we had trekked into the ‘bowl’ dragging teenage kids and sleds behind us. We hiked up the icy slippery slope cautiously.  My husband and I, having decided in advance to avoid the potential chiropractic and massage therapists, promptly plopped down in our snow pants on the packed snow about ¾ of the way up the hill.  Each kid gave an overview and evaluation of the different pathways that previous sledders had created. “That one’s too icy” and “There's a lot of bumps on that one” along with “Yeah, that one’s too steep for me this year” began to echo from each of them as they surveyed their options. 

Finally the boys all challenged each other to ‘just go’ and they raced up the remaining part of the hill cajoling each other. They each sat on their sleds, hesitating. It was obvious that with age and the passing of time they had a new perspective on their very real lack of control around the sled and the speed it would incur on its descent.

Finally the oldest one bellowed out, “Lets DO THIS” and all three of them set off. 

Christmas Sledding

We watched in fascination as they gained momentum, before realizing (too late) that they were each enroute to collide with each other. As they neared the ‘bowl’ they glanced around, had the same realization, and quickly tried to avert the pending collision. In doing so- two of them hit ‘ramps’ in the trail that sent them and their sleds flying through the air, arms and legs flailing around in slow motion trying to grasp anything, but only able to clutch air. 

They landed with hard thunks onto the icy trail, their sled continuing downward without them. 

My husband and I raced down the hill to help them as they lay in stunned silence, the wind knocked out of them. 

Both boys were fine, tender and bruised tailbones, but nothing broken. Ironically as we trudged back towards the car to retrieve well deserved hot coco and homemade chili, everyone determined that that was their last year of ‘the bowl’! 

Many sledding adventures ensued, but all from small park hills and slanted side streets as we all decided our backs and hips were of greater importance then the adrenaline rush of an icy canyon sled trail! By far the best snow of all is that extra touch of magic we feel when the fluffy white powder shows up on Christmas morning, bringing the true festive spirit of a traditional White Christmas.  The feeling makes me feel like I’m a little girl who believes in Santa again. 

Conclusion: We grow up and forget that we believed in Santa or that we ever went to sleep in anticipation of hearing reindeers prancing on our rooftop. Long gone are the giggles and merriment that would keep us up into the wee hours of night, wondering if Santa had yet arrived and surrounded our tree with all of our wants and desires. And then we see that snowy Christmas morning and all the wonderful memories of Christmases past come tumbling back,  the magical feeling is re-ignited.  All around the world, there are girls, young women and even moms craving that magical feeling. Even those who have sand instead of snow. 

This holiday season, give the gift of magic by shopping with Pearls With Purpose; where you know your purchase makes a difference.